I have two ideas for fairly elaborate inventions; one is a system of tubes containing small brushes and water jets that can be activated to clear freeways and highways of dust and debris during dry spells. It would be controlled only by the city's water department, and can easily be shut off during rainstorms to prevent flooding. The entire process takes about 20 minutes to entirely wash one lane. The brushes are small enough and the water is emitted in small streams, and the tubes are half-submerged underground, so as not to disturb any vehicles.
The next idea is very basic: a device that can internally separate up to 15 lbs. of laundry in three compartments. This takes the hassle out of separating difficult colors, or if you have absolutely no time to do laundry and want to lessen the effort, then you can load the device, and with the help of a color sensitive scanner, it will accurately sort the laundry. It has a small light inside, to help it function properly. Once it's done, you may then open the compartment you wish to access (all three of them are labeled "whites", "light color" and "dark color"), and you will have saved at least 10 minutes of work just sorting laundry.